Monday, February 7, 2011


I think that the "Fat Free" or "Sugar Free" or "Light" yogurt and pudding desserts are the most brilliant food invention ever.  Here's why:

1. Because they are simply delicious.
2. They totally satisfy my dessert cravings because they taste exactly like the desserts!
3. They are only 60 or 100 calories for the whole thing!
4. They're only 50 cents each.
5. You can try a ton of different flavors and so far they've all been delicious!

My favorite: Banana Cream Pie Yogurt.  My Second Favorite: Boston Cream Pie Pudding.

Heaven in a little low calorie cup.  :)

1 comment:

  1. beware - the fat free or sugar free options usually have things like aspertame in it that really are not that good for you. If you get lowfat yogurt then you aren't really getting that many more calories, and it doesn't have the nasty aspertame.
