Friday, February 25, 2011

Don't Forget the Baking Soda!

High Fiber Chocolate Cupcakes.  They're actually really good if you do it right!

I was all excited to make these with Heather and Brock last night.  We pureed the black beans (use that instead of butter so it makes it way healthier), added all the ingredients, and put them in the oven.  Haha, they didn't rise one bit and the texture was awful!  They tasted okay but they were kind of hard and, just not how cupcakes should feel.  So we were all eating them (Brock and Heath ate them reassuringly to be nice hahaha) and then Brock was like, "Did you put Baking Soda in these?  Because that's what makes them rise and gives them the good texture but it doesn't affect the taste."

Haha, Heather and I looked at him all weird because, um, he's the guy!  He shouldn't be the one knowing these things, we should!  So I checked the recipe and sure enough, I had forgotten the Baking Soda!  Oi.  No wonder they were so gross.  Hahaha, word to the wise.  The baking soda is more important than you think!

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